Extensible Vectors

The :std/misc/evector library implements extensible vectors, that grow as you add elements to them, in the style of Common Lisp extensible vectors.

In this implementation, the underlying vectors double their size each time they need to grow, guaranteeing constant factor size and time overhead over having known the correct size initially. The current implementation does not support shrinking an extensible vector, but you can extract the non-extensible vector and forget the extensible one when you’re done.

ebytes and ebits are variants of evector specialized for holding respectively 8-bit bytes and 1-bit bits.

The functions with names starting with & are fast but unsafe variants that do not do checking, but trust you to provide arguments of the correct types and sizes, with bad consequences if you don’t.

To use the bindings from this module:

(import :std/misc/evector)



(make-evector vector fill-pointer) => evector

Create an evector from initial values for the supporting vector and the fill-pointer. The fill-pointer must be a non-negative exact integer no greater than the length of the vector.

Beware that the vector and the evector will share side-effects until the evector grows; expected use is that ownership of the vector is transfered to the new evector.


> (make-evector #(1 2 3 #f) 3)


(evector? x) => bool

Recognize an evector.


(check-argument-evector x)

Raise an error if x is not an evector.

vector->evector &vector->evector

(vector->evector v)
(&vector->evector v)

Convert a vector to an evector. Beware that the two structures will share state until the evector grows and no further.

evector->vector &evector->vector

(evector->vector v)
(&evector->vector v)

Convert an evector to an vector containing just the initialized elements before the fill-pointer. The vector will not share structure with the evector.

list->evector &list->evector

(list->evector l)
(&list->evector l)

Convert a list to an evector.

evector->list &evector->list

(vector->evector v)
(&vector->evector v)

Convert an evector to an vector containing just the initialized elements before the fill-pointer. The vector will not share structure with the evector.

evector-ref &evector-ref

(evector-ref e i) => value
(&evector-ref e i) => value

Given an evector e and an index i, return the value at index i.

evector-ref will check that the arguments are of the correct types and that i is less than the fill-pointer of e, whereas &evector-ref will behave in unspecified way if these prerequisites are not met.

evector-set! &evector-set! evector-ref-set! &evector-ref-set!

(evector-set! e i v) => unspecified
(evector-ref-set! e i v) => unspecified
(&evector-set! e i v) => unspecified
(&evector-ref-set! e i v) => unspecified

Given an evector e, an index i below its fill-pointer, and a value v, set the value of the evector at the given index to the given value.

evector-set! will check that the arguments are of the correct types and that i is less than the fill-pointer of e, whereas &evector-set! will behave in unspecified way if these prerequisites are not met.

evector-ref-set! and &evector-ref-set! aliases that enable use of the set! macro, as in (set! (evector-ref e i) v).

extend-evector! &extend-evector!

(extend-evector! e ll initial-value: (iv #f))
(&extend-evector! e ll iv)

Extend the evector e to have length at least ll, using the initial value iv for new vector values.

evector-fill-pointer &evector-fill-pointer

(evector-fill-pointer e) => fixnum
(&evector-fill-pointer e) => fixnum

Return the current value of the fill-pointer for an evector e.

evector-fill-pointer-set! &evector-fill-pointer-set!

(evector-fill-pointer-set! e fp initial-value: (iv #f) extend: (extend #t)) => fixnum or bool
(&evector-fill-pointer-set! e fp iv extend) => fixnum or bool

Given an evector e, a new value fp for its fill-pointer, an initial value iv for new elements, and a boolean or fixnum extend, try to set the fill-pointer of e to fp:

  • If fp is greater than the length of the supporting of e, but extend is #f or a negative fixnum, then don’t set the fill-pointer, and instead return #f.
  • If fp is no greater than the length of the supporting vector of e, set the fill-pointer of e to fp, and return fp.
  • If extend is #t, extend the evector using an exponential backoff strategy guaranteeing a constant-time space and time overhead factor over non-extensible vectors, set the fill-pointer to fp and return fp.
  • If extend is a non-negative fixnum, extend the evector to have length (+ fp extend), set the fill-pointer to fp and return fp.

evector-push! &evector-push!

(evector-push! e x initial-value: (iv #f) extend: (extend #t)) => unspecified
(&evector-push! e x iv extend) => unspecified

Try to push value x at the end of the evector e: Increment the fill-pointer of e as if using evector-extend! with initial value iv and argument extend; if the fill-pointer could be incremented, set the value at last index to x.


(memoize-recursive-sequence fun cache: (cache (list->evector '())))

Define a function f from a non-negative fixnum n that caches its initial values in an extensible vector cache. The function body fun may make recursive calls to the outer function f with strictly lower values of the integer argument n; the cache can be initialized with the initial values for f; it will be consulted rather than calling fun, and entries filled after fun returns.


> (def fibonacci
    (memoize-recursive-sequence (λ (n) (+ (fibonacci (- n 1)) (fibonacci (- n 2))))
       cache: (list->evector '(0 1))))
> (fibonacci 8)



(make-ebytes u8vector fill-pointer) => ebytes

Create an ebytes from initial values for the supporting u8vector and the fill-pointer. The fill-pointer must be a non-negative exact integer no greater than the length of the u8vector.

Beware that the u8vector and the ebytes will share side-effects until the ebytes grows; expected use is that ownership of the u8vector is transfered to the new ebytes.


> (make-ebytes #u8(1 2 3 0) 3)


(ebytes? x) => bool

Recognize an ebytes.


(check-argument-ebytes x)

Raise an error if x is not an ebytes.

bytes->ebytes &bytes->ebytes

(bytes->ebytes u8vector)
(&bytes->ebytes u8vector)

Convert a u8vector to an ebytes. Beware that the two structures will share state until the ebytes grows and no further.

ebytes->bytes &ebytes->bytes

(ebytes->bytes e)
(&ebytes->bytes e)

Convert an ebytes to a u8vector containing just the initialized elements before the fill-pointer. The bytes will not share structure with the ebytes.

string->ebytes &string->ebytes

(string->ebytes s)
(&string->ebytes s)

Convert a string to an ebytes containing just the initialized elements before the fill-pointer, using utf8 to encode the string into bytes.

ebytes-ref &ebytes-ref

(ebytes-ref e i) => value
(&ebytes-ref e i) => value

Given an ebytes e and an index i, return the byte at index i.

ebytes-ref will check that the arguments are of the correct types and that i is less than the fill-pointer of e, whereas &ebytes-ref will behave in unspecified way if these prerequisites are not met.

ebytes-set! &ebytes-set! ebytes-ref-set! &ebytes-ref-set!

(ebytes-set! e i v) => unspecified
(ebytes-ref-set! e i v) => unspecified
(&ebytes-set! e i v) => unspecified
(&ebytes-ref-set! e i v) => unspecified

Given an ebytes e, an index i below its fill-pointer, and a byte value v, set the value of the ebytes at the given index to the given value.

ebytes-set! will check that the arguments are of the correct types and that i is less than the fill-pointer of e, whereas &ebytes-set! will behave in unspecified way if these prerequisites are not met.

ebytes-ref-set! and &ebytes-ref-set! aliases that enable use of the set! macro, as in (set! (ebytes-ref e i) v).

extend-ebytes! &extend-ebytes!

(extend-ebytes! e ll initial-value: (iv #f))
(&extend-ebytes! e ll iv)

Extend the ebytes e to have length at least ll, using the initial value iv for new bytes values.


(ebytes-fill-pointer e) => fixnum
(&ebytes-fill-pointer e) => fixnum

Return the current value of the fill-pointer for an ebytes e.


(ebytes-fill-pointer-set! e fp initial-value: (iv #f) extend: (extend #t)) => fixnum or bool
(&ebytes-fill-pointer-set! e fp iv extend) => fixnum or bool

Given an ebytes e, a new value fp for its fill-pointer, an initial value iv for new elements, and a boolean or fixnum extend, try to set the fill-pointer of e to fp:

  • If fp is greater than the length of the supporting of e, but extend is #f or a negative fixnum, then don’t set the fill-pointer, and instead return #f.
  • If fp is no greater than the length of the supporting bytes of e, set the fill-pointer of e to fp, and return fp.
  • If extend is #t, extend the ebytes using an exponential backoff strategy guaranteeing a constant-time space and time overhead factor over non-extensible bytess, set the fill-pointer to fp and return fp.
  • If extend is a non-negative fixnum, extend the ebytes to have length (+ fp extend), set the fill-pointer to fp and return fp.

ebytes-push! &ebytes-push!

(ebytes-push! e x initial-value: (iv #f) extend: (extend #t)) => unspecified
(&ebytes-push! e x iv extend) => unspecified

Try to push value x at the end of the ebytes e: Increment the fill-pointer of e as if using ebytes-extend! with initial value iv and argument extend; if the fill-pointer could be incremented, set the value at last index to x.



(make-ebits u8vector fill-pointer) => ebits

Create an ebits from initial values for the supporting u8vector and the fill-pointer. The fill-pointer must be a non-negative exact integer no greater than the length of the u8vector.

Bits are stored in u8vector in a little endian way: i.e. bit 0 is the low-order bit of byte 0, bit 7 is the high-order bit of byte 0, bit 8 is the low-order bit of byte 1, etc.

Beware that the u8vector and the ebits will share side-effects until the ebits grows; expected use is that ownership of the u8vector is transfered to the new ebits.


> (make-ebits #u8(1 2 3 0) 20)


(ebits? x) => bool

Recognize an ebits.


(check-argument-ebits x)

Raise an error if x is not an ebits.

bits->ebits &bits->ebits

(bits->ebits u8vector b l)
(&bits->ebits u8vector b l)

Convert a exact-integer to an ebits of given length l, where the bits of the ebits will be those of the integer, in little-endian order.

ebits->bits &ebits->bits

(ebits->bits e)
(&ebits->bits e)

Convert an ebits to an exact-integer containing just the initialized bits before the fill-pointer, in little-endian order.

ebits-set? &ebits-set?

(ebits-set? e i) => bool
(&ebits-set? e i) => bool

Given an ebits e and an index i, return true if the bit at index i is set.

ebits-ref &ebits-ref

(ebits-ref e i) => value
(&ebits-ref e i) => value

Given an ebits e and an index i, return the bit at index i.

ebits-ref will check that the arguments are of the correct types and that i is less than the fill-pointer of e, whereas &ebits-ref will behave in unspecified way if these prerequisites are not met.

ebits-set! &ebits-set! ebits-ref-set! &ebits-ref-set!

(ebits-set! e i v) => unspecified
(ebits-ref-set! e i v) => unspecified
(&ebits-set! e i v) => unspecified
(&ebits-ref-set! e i v) => unspecified

Given an ebits e, an index i below its fill-pointer, and a bit value v, set the value of the ebits at the given index to the given value.

ebits-set! will check that the arguments are of the correct types and that i is less than the fill-pointer of e, whereas &ebits-set! will behave in unspecified way if these prerequisites are not met.

ebits-ref-set! and &ebits-ref-set! aliases that enable use of the set! macro, as in (set! (ebits-ref e i) v).

extend-ebits! &extend-ebits!

(extend-ebits! e ll initial-value: (iv #f))
(&extend-ebits! e ll iv)

Extend the ebits e to have length at least ll, using the initial value iv for new bits values.


(ebits-fill-pointer e) => fixnum
(&ebits-fill-pointer e) => fixnum

Return the current value of the fill-pointer for an ebits e.


(ebits-fill-pointer-set! e fp initial-value: (iv #f) extend: (extend #t)) => fixnum or bool
(&ebits-fill-pointer-set! e fp iv extend) => fixnum or bool

Given an ebits e, a new value fp for its fill-pointer, an initial value iv for new elements, and a boolean or fixnum extend, try to set the fill-pointer of e to fp:

  • If fp is greater than the length of the supporting of e, but extend is #f or a negative fixnum, then don’t set the fill-pointer, and instead return #f.
  • If fp is no greater than the length of the supporting bits of e, set the fill-pointer of e to fp, and return fp.
  • If extend is #t, extend the ebits using an exponential backoff strategy guaranteeing a constant-time space and time overhead factor over non-extensible bitss, set the fill-pointer to fp and return fp.
  • If extend is a non-negative fixnum, extend the ebits to have length (+ fp extend), set the fill-pointer to fp and return fp.

ebits-push! &ebits-push!

(ebits-push! e x initial-value: (iv #f) extend: (extend #t)) => unspecified
(&ebits-push! e x iv extend) => unspecified

Try to push value x at the end of the ebits e: Increment the fill-pointer of e as if using ebits-extend! with initial value iv and argument extend; if the fill-pointer could be incremented, set the value at last index to x.